

Invisalign is an alternative for dental braces. Preferably suitable for teenagers and adults, these invisible teeth braces are quite favorable, because it aligns teeth in the desired position. Invisalign has completely eliminated the need of wearing those old-standard metal braces.

Just visit Dr. Fathy and find an ultimate solution for your misaligned teeth with some advanced procedures. However, these braces are also as effective as compared to traditional braces; that’s why the patients soon start observing results in their smiles. These braces will be doing their work every hour and second to straighten up your teeth, and no one will get the idea that you’re wearing them.

Even though you’re in a classroom or public meetings; you can smile without worrying about your appearance. And that’s the best thing about Invisalign treatment by Dr. Fathy. Also, these braces are comfortable to wear and easy to remove and maintain optimal oral health.